How to set realistic fitness goals you’ll actually want to achieve

Goal setting is important in so many aspects of life, and there’s no difference when it comes to your health and fitness. Having a fitness goal is like having your very own North Star, it will help keep you focused and give you the extra incentive you need when you find your motivation draining. Setting realistic fitness goals is also an amazing way of staying accountable and on track. 

I’ve found that having my own goal has made me super motivated and has even helped me step outside my comfort zone and push past what I thought I was capable of.

Figuring out how to set realistic fitness goals you’ll actually want to achieve is not always easy. But with a little help I know each and every one of you can crush your goals. 

Follow these tips to help you achieve real, positive change.

1. Make it your own

Your goal should be your goal. The most important thing to keep in mind when you’re choosing realistic fitness goals is that the person at the center of it is you. Your goal should be something that you personally want to achieve and are really excited about reaching and even exceeding! 

It’s so easy to scroll through social media and base your goals off what you see other people achieving. It’s so important not to make goals for the sake of having one or because it’s someone else’s goal on Instagram. Really take time to think about what YOU want to achieve. The stronger your desire to want to achieve your goal, the more likely you are to crush it.

2. Create Mini Milestones

Having smaller goals that help you on your way to achieving your larger goal is an amazing way to keep you motivated and build your confidence. Having to wait a long time before you hit your main goal can make you feel demotivated, so having smaller milestone goals will help you reward yourself mentally along the way. It’s all about those little victories!

For example, say your goal is to do 3 pull ups, you could set a mini milestone of being able to do 5 assisted pull ups with a resistance band taking some of your weight. Breaking it down like this will help you see how much progress you have already made. 

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3. Create a support system 

Build a team around you to help the goal become reality. Who you can ask for support and encouragement along the way? Maybe you could ask a friend or family member to encourage you and hold you accountable to your goal. If the people you spend time with are ready to support you it will make a HUGE difference.

I want to highlight how amazing the QUEENTEAM is, the group of amazing women who are all members of my program. If you are new to this program I really encourage you to seek out other Queens on social media. When you find a community that supports you and is 100% uplifting to you on your journey – that is GOLD. Having a buddy no matter how many miles away can be so helpful in your fitness journey and fitness lifestyle. 

For members, there is an amazing QUEENTEAM Facebook group you can join and you can also search the #QUEENTEAM on Instagram!

4. Track your progress

One thing I really encourage you to do is to write your goal down somewhere you’ll see it everyday. After you’ve written it down, make sure you keep track of your progress towards hitting it. Find what works best for you. If your goal is focussed on increasing your overall fitness or strength you could try writing your progress down after each workout. If you have a weight loss goal, try taking regular progress photos. Make sure you take the photos at the same time of day, in the same lighting conditions. 

Keeping a record of how far you have come can help you see that you ARE making progress. Even slow progress is still progress! Tracking your training is a great way of making exercise an unbreakable habit.

5. Consistency is key 

I always say that living a healthy lifestyle is about building a habit and routine. Consistency really is key. Once you’ve decided on your goal, take time to think about how you can build into your current lifestyle. Maybe you could add more walking into your commute or decide to take the stairs whenever you have the opportunity.

It’s SO important to remember that lasting change takes time. Focus on picking a goal that you can crush over several months or even a year. Having a long term mentality will help you see your goal as a lifestyle change rather than a quick fix and you’ll be much more likely to hit and even exceed it.


I hope you’ve found these tips and tricks helpful. They have been so useful in my own personal fitness journey and I know they will help you crush your goals too. 

I have every confidence that you can do it. Seeing the change in someone throughout their fitness journey is something I’m incredibly passionate about. I love to see the transformations people go through, not just physically, but also emotionally. 

Whatever your health and fitness goal, I would love to help you smash it. If you still have questions, please email me at and I’ll make sure I respond to it personally. 

Alexia Clark