6 ways to motivate yourself to workout when you just don’t feel like it

Do you ever have those days when you can’t motivate yourself to workout, and it all seems like more of a challenge than it usually is? There’s a voice in the back of your head saying things like;

I’m too tired. I’m hungry. I just washed my hair. It’s raining. It’s getting dark outside. This list goes on!

Often building a sustainable habit is the hardest part of starting a new routine, but once you’ve built a strong habit the benefits will show in no time.

Here are 6 strategies that will help make it easier to motivate yourself to workout even if you’re lacking motivation.

#1: Have a plan

It’s so important to know exactly what you’re going to be doing when you work out so that you’re not just wandering around the gym without a plan. That’s one of the reasons people get so much from following a program like mine. 

Having your whole work out planned for you means you can focus on getting yourself to wherever you’re going to exercise knowing that you’ve got a great session ready and waiting. 

You’ll be surprised by how much having a plan can keep you motivated to workout. It removes motivation-sapping uncertainty and ensures you actually see motivation-boosting results.

Read: When is the best time of day to work out?

#2: Dress for success

Remove the task of having to get changed into your workout clothes can really help you get to the gym or onto your workout mat at home.

Put your workout kit on as early in the day as you can, you could even try getting into your gear first thing in the morning. If you’re working away from home, take your kit in a bag so that you can change before you leave work. 

#3: Make it social

Research shows that habits spread through our social networks and it’s no different for working out. Have you tried working out with a friend or family member? Having a friend to exercise with means you’re more likely to show up AND stick to your habit. 

If you’re a member of my program make sure you make use of the QUEENTEAM Facebook group to motivate and support you. They’re such an incredible group of women!

Join the QUEENTEAM community today

Become fitter, stronger and more confident.

#4: Play your favorite music

Listening to your favorite music is a great way of firing you up for a work out. 

Pick songs that make you feel incredible and motivate you to workout hard. Music has been proven to release endorphins and help you get those last few reps in without giving up.

#5: Remember Why You Started

Take a moment to think back to when you decided to set a fitness goal for yourself. You probably felt super determined and energised by the challenge and the adventure ahead. I bet you pictured what your life would look like once you reached your goal, right? The first steps you took towards that goal may have been quite simple, it’s the pushing through and carrying on that has become difficult.

Going back to the beginning helps you focus on why you started in the first place, so take a deep breath and find that purpose. 

#6: Establish a reward system

Sometimes you need a reward for all the effort and hard work you’re putting in, and that’s no problem! 

Think about what you could reward yourself with that will actively help you move closer towards achieving your goal. Maybe you have your eye on a pair of leggings or a new set of headphones. Whatever it is make sure you reward yourself to help reinforce your motivation and excitement to workout.


Remember, if you are unsure of anything, want advice or just to share your progress I’m only an email away. You can get in touch with me at contact@alexia-clark.com and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Alexia Clark