Eat like me

I’m a  certified fitness nutrition specialist. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is so important when it comes to making real, lasting changes. That’s why my program not only includes an exercise program but also a nutrition plan full of easy-to-prepare, delicious meals!

With my nutrition plan you’ll learn how to eat well and fuel your body properly in order to get the results you want. The best part? As I eat these meals myself I can promise you they’re so tasty and, most importantly, they are meals you’ll actually want to eat.

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Learn how to fuel your body

My meal plan is designed to teach you how to eat well, choose good nutrition options, and live a healthy lifestyle.

You can choose whether you would like to follow my nutrition program exactly, or you can use it as a foundation to work from, for example, if you’d like to add meat or have certain needs. Either way, the goal is to live a healthy lifestyle in all aspects of your life.

Join my program today

Easy to make
fun to eat

My nutrition plan is specifically designed to be simple to follow, and to deliver deliciousness! My meal plan doesn’t require any special skills to follow, and you’ll get detailed descriptions of how to prepare everything.

Each week I’ll provide you with meals and snacks for each weekday, Monday through Friday. For weekends, you can either repeat your favorite meals from the week, or you can prepare other meals that fit your needs. It’s that easy!

Start enjoying a healthy diet today!

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Save time

and money

I’ve designed the nutrition plan to be efficient so that you can save time, money, and avoid waste. Each Friday evening I post the entire upcoming week’s meal plan so you can plan for the week ahead. I also post the grocery shopping list so that you can shop for what you need over the weekend.



It’s natural to have questions, these are the ones I’m asked most about my workouts.